Trending Topics in Workplace Health and Safety

On the Safe Side

Chromium Confusion: A Routine Test Gone Wrong


When an employee’s blood tests came back “high borderline” for chromium, alarm spread through the metal fabrication facility where he worked. And no wonder. The stainless steel welding process in use released hexavalent chromium (CrVI), a known carcinogen with far-ranging adverse health effects – from lung cancer and occupational asthma to skin lesions and tooth erosion.

The facility had worked with Bessa for several years doing air sampling for hexavalent chromium, and had been diligent in sending its employees for regular evaluations. No exposure problems had ever been detected. But during this employee’s routine exam, the physician noted a small sore in the man’s nose and – fearing it was a “chrome ulcer” – ordered a blood test. The lab results came back “high borderline” for chromium, and the employee was sent to work from his home to remove him from any risk of further exposure. Naturally, the employee was worried, and aroused concern among his co-workers.

After weeks away from the work environment, the employee was retested and his chromium blood level was ... higher!

Confusion and further alarm ensued, and Bessa was called in to investigate. Bessa had previously taken area and breathing zone samples as part of an ongoing safety program, and were able to provide sampling data that did not support the theory that the elevated blood chromium was due to the work environment. So Bessa dug deeper.

That’s when it was discovered that no food and drink history had been taken when the employee’s blood was drawn. Since chromium is present in many foods, including mushrooms, broccoli and beef as well as beer and cigarettes, a history of intake must be taken into account when testing for metals like chromium.

Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the employee had been working out and taking a supplement containing – you guessed it – chromium! Mystery solved and company absolved.

Knowing the right questions to ask is critical to managing situations like these – to protect your employees and your business. Give Bessa a call and we can help you head off problems before they happen.

Sharon Bessa